We're down to the last couple of weeks of rehearsal and we thought we would give you a peek at what is going on in the theatre, and where we are in the process of creating a fantastic show for our audience. I was at rehearsal last night (making some props) and had the opprotunity to peek in on what our fabulous conductor Diane Speirs and director Jeanine Fynn have been up to.

First, back to my world. Let's take a look at the set. This is what a set looks like in its very beginnings...
Now, it doesn't look like much at the moment, but we will turn it into something fantastic :-) I spent last Sunday afternoon at the theatre building ( along with several lovely and dedicated cast members who came and lent a helping hand or ten) and starting to paint this wall. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday this half finished wall will transform itself (well, ok, it won't transform itself, me and a bunch of other people will have to transform it) into a set of steampunk fabulousness. What is steampunk you ask?
steampunk [stēm' pŭngk] n: a genre of science fiction set in Victorian times when steam was the main source of power. Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology or futuristic innovations as Victorians may have envisioned them.
So now you know. You have all seen it before, you probably just didn't know what it was called. Think 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, or Captain Nemo and the Underwater city, and there you have it.

Next, let me show you the fabulous little theatre you will be seeing this delightful steampunk fabulousness in. We co-produce these shows with the Vagabond Players, the resident company int he Bernie Legge Theatre. In 1997 this wonderful old building was given the name Bernie Legge in memory one of the most venerated and celebrated Vagabonds, and a dedicated ambassador to the community of New West and beyond for theatre arts. Thanks Mr. Legge, for all you have done for the performing arts and for this beautiful space to perform in!
When I finally

took a break from all my prop making and peeked my head in to the rehearsal, I was delighted with what I saw and heard. I laughed out loud several times, and the singing is lovely. As usual, Ms. Fynn's directing is inspired, and Ms. Speirs wields a mean baton (mean as in wicked good... not as in she is one of "those" conductors). It was great to see our cast dancing and singing and having a good time. Unfortunately my camera had died by this time, and so this is a phone picture... but you get the idea.
We're very pleased with how things are going, and can't wait to show you all some steampunk fabulousness! Check out a clip from our reheasal here:
HMS Pinafore - This Very Night
See you soon! Please buy your tickets today!
John Arsenault
Production Manager
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