Sunday, August 14, 2011

Singer Spotlight: Riley McMitchell

HMS Pinafore
Singer Spotlight

Riley McMitchell

Name: Riley McMitchell

Voice Type: baritone

Role: Captain Corcoran

Hometown: Port Coquitlam, B.C

Is this your first time performing with DD?

No, I sang Strephon (half man/half fairy) in Iolanthe a few years ago. When you do a Dragondiva show you know two things: it will be great and it will be a whole lot of fun!

Favourite thing about the role you are playing?

I would definitely say my costume (I love my hat!) and the awesome cast I get to work with this year.

Where did you find inspiration for this role?

William Shatner in Star Trek and Stewie in Family Guy (the episode where he sings all the songs from Pinafore)

Favourite part of this opera?

Definitely the opening of Act 2! I have an aria where I get to smoke a hookah …… I never thought I would be doing that on stage.

What are your rituals before a performance?

I take it pretty easy that day, go over my music and my lines, warm up my body and voice… and most importantly, I drink a big can of sugar free redbull.

What is your favourite opera?

My favourite to sing would be Valentin in Faust or Figaro in Barber of Seville. My favourite to watch would be La Traviata or anything by Massenet.

Ever been asked to do something strange onstage?

I sang a concert of excerpts from a book where all the famous people buried in a cemetery in Paris were reincarnated as cats. I played Jim Morrison the cat. I was covered in cat fur, wore leather pants and sang ‘Voyage a Paris’ by Poulenc…… figure that one out!

What's the most difficult thing you've done onstage?

I don’t know if it is difficult but I sang Bob in the Old Maid and the Thief and had to strip down to soaking wet boxer shorts on stage. I was much younger and shyer then so it was hard for me to get comfortable doing that.

Favourite role you've ever played?

I would have to say Papageno in The Magic Flute… I hated it at first but spent a lot of time with the character so I became quite comfortable in it. If I ever had to roll out of bed directly onto stage to sing a roll, it would be him.

What is your favourite activity that has nothing to do with singing classically?

I love running and going to the gym… oh, and reading vampire novels!

A lot of singers have day jobs…do you?

Yeah, I’m an elementary school teacher. I teach both music and general classroom. It’s a really fun job and I get a lot of character inspiration from some of the crazy characters I have in my class each year.

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee and lots of it!!!!!
Do you have a secret talent other than singing?

Uh, I used to juggle and I spent a big chunk of time as a kid competing and riding horses.

You're trapped on a deserted island. What three luxury items do you hope you have with you?

I would like a piano with a bench full of assorted music, a life time supply of sunscreen and my partner, Nick.

Tell us a joke.

Q: How many tenors does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Six. One to do it, and five to say, "It's too high for him."

Any upcoming performances you want to share?

I’ve been sworn to secrecy.

Well, it's no secret that Riley is playing a fantastic Captain Corcoran in our upcoming HMS Pinafore. Get your tickets soon - opening Friday night!

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