Monday, August 6, 2012

Meet a DragonDiva - Henry Chen

Henry Chen
Sound Man

Name: Henry Chen

Voice Type (if a singer): Baritone

Role: Sound Man

Hometown: Hualien, Taiwan and Vancouver, Canada

Is this your first time performing with DragonDiva?


Favourite thing about the role you are playing in Old Maid and the Thief?

The sound man is one of the roles where I’m allowed to have the most fun. It was an interesting process figuring out different methods to make the required sound effects using the tools that are available to us, some of them a little unorthodox.

Where did you find inspiration for your role?

I once saw a documentary on videogame production, and it featured an entire section on special effects, including sound effects. The sound engineer played with different objects and sampled their combined percussive sounds in order to create the perfect sound of horse hooves on pavement. I felt like my character is one of those engineers, who in his spare time, might be sampling and experimenting with different instruments.

Favourite part of Old Maid and the Thief?

I find everything about this opera to be enthralling: the history, the comedy, the music, and the characters. The way Jeanine directed the show reveals not only a finished product, but also the process of putting on an opera. I think the development of “offstage” dynamics between cast members is my favourite part. I found the personas to be surprisingly true to life.

What attracted you to the operatic stage?

I hated classical music as a child, until I picked up the flute. Since then, I’ve studied numerous different instruments. It wasn’t until I was in the last years of high school that I started to sing. I was also introduced to drama classes during the same time, which I fell in love with immediately. Combining my love for classical music and theatre, I arrived at the operatic stage.

How would you describe opera to someone who has never seen one?

Opera is an art form with 400 years of history where its melodramatic actors are screaming out their most naked and raw emotions on a stage to an audience that’s willing to sit through an evening of it. It’s not always glamourous, it’s not always beautiful, it’s not always agreeable, but it always hits you somewhere in the head and makes you want to scream along to that lady in the red dress on stage. Because in your mind, you know the emotions cannot be conveyed through speaking; you are compelled to sing.

A lot of singers and actors have day jobs…do you?


Do you have a secret talent other than singing?

I enjoy photography, especially portrait photography. I’ve made more money taking pictures of people than I have singing about people, which, although unfortunate, helps pay the bills.

Favorite non-classical music?

Oh lord, what do you kids listen to these days? That Ms. Gaga or that Justin Beaver or whatever?

Any upcoming performances you want to share?

I will be performing with the Vancouver Opera in Schools tour of “Naomi’s Road” in the upcoming spring time. It will be my first equity performance, and my first paid role. So it’s a very exciting opportunity for me.

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