Name: Lisa-Dawn Nelsina Kilthau
Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano
Role: Cinderella
Hometown: Langley
Is this your first time performing with DD? Yes
Favourite thing about the role you are playing? In addition to having some of the most gorgeous music in the opera, it is the epitome of the childhood fairytale dream. I think every little girl believes herself to be the as-yet-undiscovered princess.
Where did you find inspiration for this role? I loved the story of Cinderella as a child. I wore out the Disney movie by watching it so many times; I could probably still quote you the entire thing word for word. I grew up helping out around the house with chores. The first time I was asked to clean the bathroom as a child, I cried. Princesses could cook and sweep and feed the birds, but they shouldn't have to do the dirty work...
Favourite part of this opera? There are so many beautiful bits! The duets with Prince Charming and the Father are lovely; I think Massenet was at his best when working with two voices. But my favorite parts are when you meet Cinderella alone; her personality and vulnerability really come through in the music.
What are your rituals before a performance? I make sure I have a good sleep the night before, and do a gentle yoga routine to warm up. I like a lot of quiet time before a show; I will go in early and walk through the role alone on set. I prefer being at the theater very early to get into the right head-space.
Ever been asked to do something strange onstage? My first experience with opera was being in the chorus of The Magic Flute. I was one of the magical beasts that threaten Tamino before he tames them by playing his flute. Specifically, I was a giant furry hound-dog, crawling around on hands and knees. I was instructed to lift my leg and shake it when Tamino played his calming melody.
Favorite role you've ever played? I really enjoyed playing the mother in Hansel and Gretel; it was just such a fun, high-energy show to be a part of. The audience loved it, and getting good energy back is such a thrill as a performer.
Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano
Role: Cinderella
Hometown: Langley
Is this your first time performing with DD? Yes
Favourite thing about the role you are playing? In addition to having some of the most gorgeous music in the opera, it is the epitome of the childhood fairytale dream. I think every little girl believes herself to be the as-yet-undiscovered princess.
Where did you find inspiration for this role? I loved the story of Cinderella as a child. I wore out the Disney movie by watching it so many times; I could probably still quote you the entire thing word for word. I grew up helping out around the house with chores. The first time I was asked to clean the bathroom as a child, I cried. Princesses could cook and sweep and feed the birds, but they shouldn't have to do the dirty work...
Favourite part of this opera? There are so many beautiful bits! The duets with Prince Charming and the Father are lovely; I think Massenet was at his best when working with two voices. But my favorite parts are when you meet Cinderella alone; her personality and vulnerability really come through in the music.
What are your rituals before a performance? I make sure I have a good sleep the night before, and do a gentle yoga routine to warm up. I like a lot of quiet time before a show; I will go in early and walk through the role alone on set. I prefer being at the theater very early to get into the right head-space.
Ever been asked to do something strange onstage? My first experience with opera was being in the chorus of The Magic Flute. I was one of the magical beasts that threaten Tamino before he tames them by playing his flute. Specifically, I was a giant furry hound-dog, crawling around on hands and knees. I was instructed to lift my leg and shake it when Tamino played his calming melody.
Favorite role you've ever played? I really enjoyed playing the mother in Hansel and Gretel; it was just such a fun, high-energy show to be a part of. The audience loved it, and getting good energy back is such a thrill as a performer.
What is your favorite activity that has nothing to do with singing classically? I love to dance; I have done many different forms, and right now am really into Blues Dancing. Another favorite is West Coast Swing.
A lot of singers have day jobs. Do you? Yes. I work as a tailor. I have always enjoyed sewing, and while pursuing my opera studies at UBC, I was hired to do the costumes for the UBC Opera department. I love the creativity that comes into designing a costume that will add to the performer's portrayal of their character. For the costumes for this production of Cinderella, I am collaborating with Dora, who plays Naomie.
Coffee or Tea? Tea! I love coffee as a dessert drink, but I am a big tea drinker. I will often finish off a pot by myself. But it has to be a tea you can put milk in.
Do you have a secret talent other than singing? I really enjoy 2-D visual arts; drawing, painting, pointillism etc. I wish I had more time to pursue it!
You're trapped on a deserted island. What three luxury items do you hope you have with you? A supply of good quality dark chocolate. A comfortable bed. And lots of books!
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