Name: Grant Wardlow
Voice Type: Tenor
Role: Dorothy (Stepsister)
Hometown: Vernon, B.C.
Is this your first time performing with DD? No, I performed the role of Lord Tolloller in last summer's hugely successful production of Iolanthe!
Favourite thing about the role you are playing? My shoes! And having the freedom to do some pretty nasty things on stage.
Where did you find inspiration for this role? Saturday Night Live...and my sisters!
Favourite part of this opera? Definitely the a cappella chorus...I never tire of singing it!
What are your rituals before a performance? I never like to eat a big meal before performing and I always make sure I am well hydrated and warmed up. I always do a walk through of my blocking and before any entrance I check to make certain my fly is done up!
Ever been asked to do something strange onstage? I was once appeared naked on stage as part of a production of Le Nozze di Figaro.
What's the most difficult thing you've done onstage? This show...performing in heels! After a three hour rehearsal, my feet are done!
Favourite role you've ever played? Nemorino in L'elisir d'amore.
What is your favourite activity that has nothing to do with singing classically? It's a toss up between golf and photography.
A lot of singers have day jobs…do you? Not right now, which is good for my golf game but not for my wallet!
You're trapped on a deserted island. What three luxury items do you hope you have with you? My camera, iPhone and golf clubs (with at least a dozen Pro V1 balls)!
Tell us a joke.
How can you tell there's a tenor at the door?
He can't find the key and doesn't know when to come in!
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