Monday, July 12, 2010

One week in....

Well we are one week into our staging rehearsals, and so far, so good. We are so pleased to see that our cast is so well prepared. Everyone is pretty much fully off book, and we've been able to breeze through the scheduled material each night.

Ms. Fynn is having her usual strokes of genius. This is going to be a beautiful production. The set drawings are amazing, and soon I'll be spending my free time in the theatre with a lot of wood and drills...

I've decided that I'm going to steal an idea from Vancouver Opera, and post mini-interviews with our cast members on our blog, so stay tuned to hear interesting facts about our cast!

John Arsenault
Music Director

1 comment:

  1. Aw I'm blushing. I actually got a little choked up at last night's rehearsal, and we don't even have set, props or costumes up yet...I think it will be magical!
