Monday, July 13, 2009

Another week of staging begins

As we begin another week of staging, I'm starting to think about how much there is to do. These things creep up on us... there is a backdrop to put up, two backdrops to be painted, set pieces to build, props to purchase, wigs to purchase, instrumentalists to recruit, and the list goes on and on.

I once heard a quote that struck home with me. The essence of it was if you ever have the notion to create your own opera company, find a brick wall, and beat your head against it until the urge goes away!

Some days I feel I should have taken that advice. But then I have these moments where I feel like I am exactly where I am meant to be. Is it hard work to produce an opera? Yes. Does the financial uncertainty make you want to scream and wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night? Yes. Is it all worth it when the curtain goes up and you watch and hear your very capable cast make some good theatre? Yes, it is.

So, I will keep building, painting, accounting, meeting, pleading, writing grant applications, studying scores and holding auditions. It really is all worth while. And when you plant a little seed, who knows how big the plant will grow. We shall see.

John Arsenault
Music Director/Producer/Secretary Treasurer/well you get it!

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